It's been a tough gig for Tom, who has been getting very cosy with his backpack sprayer, whilst keeping the world safe from Ragwort. Ok, so maybe not the world, but definitely our paddocks! I'm sure he's dreaming Ragwort eradication at this stage of the game. Ragwort has a seeding time of 5-6 years, so time will tell how many summers will be spent roaming the steeper hills on foot. A quad bike will take care of flatter areas and save on Tom's poor feet.
Meanwhile, the actual move to the farm is delayed by a few factors. Water is one - since we put in our tank there has been no rain. Today may see some, and more is promised by the Bureau. As a new South Gippslander, I'm supposed to be asking if it ever stops raining and instead I'm asking when the rains will come. The worn pathway in front of the caravan is so dusty, and Saturday night's smattering of wet stuff didn't even cover enough to act as a dust suppressant. Weird weather, lately!
I went to the Coal Creek Farmers Market on Saturday and picked the brain of a local garlic grower. His farm has been growing garlic for 15 years, and it's now organic and all work done by hand. Initially, I thought that my plans to grow commercial garlic may be treading on toes, but I think that having two garlic farms in the same district may just mean the world has more nice garlic to go round. Plus, I'll hardly be 'competition' for the foreseeable future - I have so much to learn, and a phobia or two to overcome...
Plans to move my horse down are also stalled because we'll explore local employment options for Tom. I'm champing at the bit to move, but between low water storage (for household use - the animals are fine), one car between us and his job being in the Melbourne Metro, I'm having to put off the move with the kids. Gone are the days when you could live solely off your farm - not on under 400 acres!
Still, we now have a letter box - just have to sand and paint it, and we'll have postal service...
Shedding our urban lives and changing to a much more comfortable layer of rural appreciation, we've taken our oft-naked children and absorbent minds to the cooler climes of South Gippsland. Simplifying our lives and listening to the Earth - she does sustain us, after all. Turning dreams into reality and getting our hands very, very dirty converting a turn-out paddock into a brand new farming venture and home. This is the adventure.
When Tom and I met, it didn't take long for us to strike some common ground. We had both wanted to live on farms since we were little people. The longer we were together, the more we knew that our future together would involve making that goal a reality. So, some 6 years later, we sold up Tom's house (and our home where we had just experienced our second baby's homebirth) and began our farm change adventure.