When Tom and I met, it didn't take long for us to strike some common ground. We had both wanted to live on farms since we were little people. The longer we were together, the more we knew that our future together would involve making that goal a reality. So, some 6 years later, we sold up Tom's house (and our home where we had just experienced our second baby's homebirth) and began our farm change adventure.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Eco stuff update

Ok, that title was vague!
Due to the impending state election, we won't know the outcome of our EcoTender bid until later this year. Damn politics!
Our composting toilet has arrived and been shipped via efficient courier (aka Tom) to the farm and is awaiting installation.
I'm growing some oak trees from seed and have 15 shooting so far - they are so cute in their infancy :) Small Boy is very proud of his acorn collecting efforts and may even have some more respect for plant life as he sees the progress of what we started. No, oak trees are hardly native, but given we'll have a few acres to play with, I want to have some shady oaks and pretty Euro and Asian trees to look at!
So, that's farm changing, thus far...

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