Well, another piece of the puzzle is falling into place. Toileting facilities!
Very soon, we will be the proud owners of a Nature Loo Compact 3. It's a composting toilet, and will make our time in the caravan very comfortable...cos it won't be in the caravan, for one, and two, it won't impact on our waterway.
The strawbale home we will build will also have composting toilets, albeit upgraded versions of what will be in the shed.
This is what you can expect to use when you come visit our new farm enterprise:
I'm easily pleased, and I'm really looking forward to having this most basic 'mod con' at the farm!
Shedding our urban lives and changing to a much more comfortable layer of rural appreciation, we've taken our oft-naked children and absorbent minds to the cooler climes of South Gippsland. Simplifying our lives and listening to the Earth - she does sustain us, after all. Turning dreams into reality and getting our hands very, very dirty converting a turn-out paddock into a brand new farming venture and home. This is the adventure.
When Tom and I met, it didn't take long for us to strike some common ground. We had both wanted to live on farms since we were little people. The longer we were together, the more we knew that our future together would involve making that goal a reality. So, some 6 years later, we sold up Tom's house (and our home where we had just experienced our second baby's homebirth) and began our farm change adventure.
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